The next full moon will be:
Friday * 31st August 2012 * 03:58:06 pm
Central European Summer Time (CEST)
Moon sign: Pisces 10° 15′
In other time zones:
SYDNEY = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 11:58:06 pm (AEST)
TOKYO = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 10:58:06 pm (JST)
BEIJING = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 09:58:06 pm (CST)
DELHI = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 07:28:06 pm (IST)
MOSCOW = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 05:58:06 pm (MSK)
BERLIN = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 03:58:06 pm (CEST)
LONDON = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 02:58:06 pm (BST)
RIO = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 10:58:06 am (BRT)
NEW YORK = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 09:58:06 am (EDT)
MEXICO CITY = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 08:58:06 am (CDT)
LOS ANGELES = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 06:58:06 am (PDT)
HONOLULU = Friday * 31st August 2012 * 03:58:06 am (HAST)
Key words: Mystery, obscurity, self-sacrifice, mysticism, compassion, idealism, vulnerability, empathy, visionary, the hermit, addictions, unconditional love
Working with the energy of the Piscean Full Moon
This powerful moon is considered by some to be a Blue Moon – a second moon within a calendar month. I do not hesitate to name it as a Blue Moon however I will state that astrologically, it is not a blue moon.
With our eyes turned skyward to the gleaming disc within the sky. May we take a moment to honour Neil Armstrong, astronaut, who gave of himself to be the ‘first man’ on the moon. To be able to look down on our Earth from above – what an incredible sight that must have been!
We are coming up fast to the Equinox in September! In preparation, this full moon has the energies of Neptune and Chiron within. There will be many surprises, moments of joy and ‘light bulb moments’ as well as a feeling of being lost, alone, even melancholy.
It is a full moon of purpose – a combination of our soul purpose and our physical action. Normally, they tug at each other in different directions. However, I have a feeling that the Fish is becoming more like a Salmon as the years progress. The energy is purposeful – You will wake up! You will find your connection! The Salmon is learning how to flow UP the river.
The Goddess Rhiannon asks you to combine your creativity and your passion with your daily living. No matter what you do – a job you love, or a job you detest, you can still fulfil your destiny with an attitude of love, determination and duty. Whether you be the homeless person on the street or the most famous, glamourous and exhalted human known to mankind – your purpose starts right where you are NOW; in this moment.
This full moon will bring your ‘lost pieces’ to the fore; demanding that you seek a more fulfilling way of living your life. It will be a time of introspection and healing. –Give yourself the time to contribute to Universal healing through a group meditation (I’ll be conducting one on BlogTalkRadio – see the link below) or personal ritual then read a good book or watch a good movie with some chocolate and a box of tissues.
Be the change you wish to see in the world
~ Mahatma Gandhi ~
Pisces is a Water sign – so you may desire to concentrate on working with water, the element.
The following are suggestions for items you may like to focus on:
Archangel Correspondences ~ Raphael
Crystal correspondences ~ Blue-lace Agate, Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Fluorite, Halite, Opal, Fire Opal, Clear Quartz, Staurolite and Turquoise
Goddesses: Rhiannon, Aphrodite, Isis, Mariamne, Mari, Tiamat.
Gods: Dylan, Ea, Llyr, Manannan, Osiris, Neptune, Poseidon.
Access Questions ~ Who does this belong to?; What sense of connection, communion and consciousness have I suppressed, repressed, depressed and made unfeeling?
Healing Focus ~ is the best time to work magick involving dream work, clairvoyance, telepathy, music, and the creative arts. Healing rituals for ailments of the feet or lymph glands are also done at this time.
During this Full Moon in Pisces you may choose one of the following activities that resonate with you – or create your own!
- Create time for music, painting, poetry, or to read an interesting book.
- Seek quiet time to rejuvenate your soul
- Relax in a bubble bath (even better if you can SEE the moon)
- Daydream or meditate
- If the weather permits, go swimming or a walk near a body of water.
- To help with grounding, fill a basin with warm water and a teaspoon of sea salt – let your feet soak.
- Get a pedicure, reflexology session or massage – to pamper the physical body
- Open up your intuition through divination tools – oracle or tarot decks, pendulums, scrying, or however your clairsensing gifts present themselves.
- Spend time in your garden – to meditate or purposefully give back to the earth.
- Put out your crystals, your wallet or even a ‘wish list’ for the moon’s healing energy.
- Take out a container of water and leave it under the moonlight. The next day, fill a spritzer bottle with the moon-blessed water. Light a blue candle and then gently spray your home with this blessing.
Full Moon Blessings to you and yours.