Pink Tourmaline (also known as Rubellite) is a relatively rare form of Tourmaline. Tourmaline’s wide range of colours have intrigued people for centuries. In ancient Egypt, legend had it that tourmaline acquired its many colours by travelling along a rainbow in a journey from the earth to the sun. Other civilizations believed tourmaline could help one become more artistic and aesthetically inclined. A stone of the Heart, it works beautifully for protection and balance.
We have explored Tourmaline itself.. but this beautiful pink form of Tourmaline is truly breathtaking. With a similar log-like formation, Pink Tourmaline may be purchased rough or tumbled. Due to its availability, it is usually mixed with another form of crystal or rock. The photographs I’m showing you today, are of a piece here at the Studio. Beautiful pink striations mixed with Quartz Crystal. The pink can be from a candy pink through to a pastel barely-there pink.
Metaphysical Properties
Tourmaline, as a crystal group, is a natural seeker, energising and protector. One crystal worker actually refers to Pink Tourmaline as The Guard Dog. You may work with this crystal for any healing or empowering purpose designed to align, expand and re-energise. They enhance the natural journey and remind you that you are both student and teacher all in one.
Pink tourmaline focuses and amplifies the Universal Life Force and the energy required to accomplish goals. They provide energy for our efforts to gain what we seek, enhance our lives, protect what we value and defend us from undesirable elements.
Tourmaline is a shamanic stone, providing protection during ritual work. It has been used by many different cultures across the world, including the Australian Indigenous people.
Pink tourmaline therefore brings cognitive awareness and experience of Universal Love. To do so, it cleanses the mind, body and soul through the heart chakra. It infuses love and a rememberance of connection. Through this ability, it stimulates your receptivity to healing energy and the Wisdom of Spirit.
If you, or a person you are working with, has difficulty accessing their Life Purpose or Purpose of Service, Pink Tourmaline has the ability to clear issues, develop awareness and strengthen trust in the ways of Spirit.
Personal Healing
Pink tourmaline:
- · Assists with physical balance – especially for reducing falls across all ages
- · Releases stress, worries, depression and anxiety. It can be used in partnership with Black Tourmaline to diffuse obsessive behavior.
- · Provides comfort to those who have suffered any form of abuse
- · helps with sleep issues
- · Develops an awareness of consequences
- · Calms and soothes the heart, assisting with angina, irregular heartbeat and recovery from heart attack.
- · Regulates the menstrual cycle to make conception easier.
- · Eases the transition from childhood to puberty.
- · Assists spinal problems or injuries, the nervous system, neuralgia and migraines.
- · Balances the endocrine system, lung function and skin
- · Releases destructive and self-sabotaging feelings such as guilty, worry, depression and anxiety.
- · Renews the joy of life by stimulating happiness, joy, peace and calm.
- · especially beneficial to those whose physical body has already manifested that pain into diseases or chronic illnesses.
Earth Healing
For healing grids and earth healing purposes, Pink Tourmaline can be considered as a Crystal Aphrodisiac. It strengthens love. However, the main purpose of Pink Tourmaline in earth or even Karmic healing is its ability to return unbalanced energy back to the sender – however it is not in its original form, it is sent back transformed, reversesed, enlightened as a beneficial energy of change. Think of it as putting up the “Talk to the hand” energy – sending it back, lighter, brighter and stronger so the sender feels the desire to change their actions, thoughts and words. Pretty powerful stuff!
When used in grids and for earth healing, Pink Tourmaline reminds the Elemental Energy of its true alignment and purpose. It brings fertility and abundance naturally into balance – Just like the energy of Mother Earth herself.
Speaking of Mother Energy, during my research I discovered Pink Tourmaline aligns with the pre-Islamic Arabian goddess – Al-Uzza. She is the ruler of fertility and wild beasts. Al-Uzza also has power over astrology and the changing of the seasons because she was believed to be the morning and evening star, Venus. As Goddess of the Sea she is the guardian of fish and dolphins. She also was the protector of fishermen and sea travellers. Sounds like Aphrodite and Venus, yes?
Magickal Intention
This chant may be repreated to blend and utilise the energy of Pink Tourmaline. “Balancing Pink Tourmaline, Clearing blockages seen and unseen.”
In summary, Pink Tourmaline is beneficial for:
- · Heart and Base Chakra healing
- · healing holes in the aura caused by abuse, grief and loss
- · balancing emotions from the Higher Heart Chakra
- · creating a loving foundation within relationships, projects and businesses
- · remembering your connection with The Divine
- · removing self-sabotaging patterns of behaviour
- · sending unbalanced energy back to the sender
Primary Chakra: Heart
Elemental Association: Water
Astrological sign(s): Libra
Vibration: 7 – The Truth Seeker: Analysis, understanding, knowledge, awareness, studious, meditating.
Fun Fact:
One of Tourmaline’s most distinguishing properties is its ability to become electrically charged simply by heating or rubbing it. When charged, one end becomes positive and the other negative, allowing it to attract particles of dust or bits of paper.
Please note: Note that healing crystal meanings are spiritual supports to healing and are not prescriptions or healthcare information. Always use them in conjunction with conventional medical treatment.