━═★ Full Moon Blessings ★═━
The Full Moon in Leo on 11th February 2017 (10.32am, Brisbane Time). As the first eclipse in the upcoming eclipse season, this full moon is a powerful Lunar Eclipse. Interestingly, lunar eclipses are always about your relationships – those with yourself, family, friends, colleagues, and even the global village. You’ll notice that during this period, you will discover something you are missing in your relationships and/or your life. This is so you can take positive action – whether it be a new healthy lifestyle, proactive relationship choices or seeking new career opportunities.
It will particularly affect those who have Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, or Aquarius in their natal chart.
Full Moons are also energetically connected to the previous New Moon’s goals, dreams and plans. What did you put into motion two weeks ago? This full moon brings an opportunity to heal and/or harvest what was sown.
Regions able to see some or all of the eclipse: Europe, Much of Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Pacific, Atlantic, Indian Ocean, Arctic, Antarctica.
━═★ What does that mean for you? ★═━
As I connected surrounding us all at the moment, I received two phrases: Shine, Baby, Shine! (Think Dirty Dancing ‘time of your life’ moment) and Mine, you bastards, mine! (Think Scrooge hoarding his money). Interesting. So what does that mean for you at this time?
You may notice this week that a quiet or momentous AHA moment comes into your thoughts. It’s asking you to ‘take on yourself’ – to master a part of your life and living which hasn’t been ideal or in balance. This could be a relationship, career or lifestyle – it will be an awareness of what is ‘missing’ to help you ROAR like the Lion.
Family will be ‘in your face’ – momentous times are here – big decisions/information may not be delivered with the finesse they could be. Know that for some, this energy is so pushy that they will be reacting from a space of fear rather than courage. Try not to buy into the drama for ‘they know not what they do’. Give them breathing room (and yourself) and you will notice that the energy goes from full boil to simmer quickly.
If you are one of those who can make time to meditate and reflect during the Full Moon, be prepared.. your cup is about to runneth over! Lol Opportunities are coming in flashy and fast – are you willing to say: “Hell, yeah!” – and run with them? These opportunities are only here for you for a short time.. this weekend will demand a willingness, on your part, to say “I am good enough, I deserve recognition and respect AND I’m gonna get it.”
Those who tend to the hoarding “mine, you bastards, mine’ mentality will feel the karmic slap from the Universe.. because if you are not sharing what is worthy about you and of you, then you are not caring about you!
Gosh, I hope that makes sense!
━═★ Appropriate Cleansing Ceremony/Ritual ★═━
Leo’s energy is perfect for a drumming circle or ceremony. If you are unable to find a local drumming circle to attend, you can ‘do it yourself’ with a bodhran, drum, bongos, medicine drum or even a piece of Tupperware turned upside down. However, if you feel that your rhythmic percussionistic ability is rather ‘off the charts’, you can also find great tribal drumming on YouTube.
Simply find a space and place during these three days where you can dance and play to the rhythm of the drums. Whether it be for three minutes or three hours is totally your own choice.
Once you have your feet tapping, hands glowing and heart thumping, raise your hands to the sky and imagine the Full Moon coming to you as a shining ball of light. Breathe it in and allow it to illuminate you.
Ground your energy when you are ready. Find a piece of paper or your journal and write down at least five things that you are ‘bloody good at’. Give yourself an opportunity to say that you are amazingly creative and intelligent human being. Leo energy does ask you to take pride in your own achievements – big and small. And seriously, how often do we get a chance to say: Hey! I did that!!!!
━═★ Leo Moon of Dreaming ★═━
Leo Moon shine your light
Spark my soul
With Creative Delight
Align my vision
With all I see
Infinite as I truly be.
━═★ Suitable Crystals for Gridding ★═━
If you are gridding, suitable crystals to work with this Full Moon include:
cat’s eye, jasper, sapphire, garnet, clear quartz, onyx, amber, citrine, peridot, ruby, danburite, carnelian, dumortierite, emerald, golden topaz, kunzite, labradorite, larimar, muscovite, petalite,pietersite, rhodochrosite, rutilated quartz, sunstones, yellow sapphires, zircon.
━═★ Leo Full Moon Magick ★═━
When the Moon is in Leo, you may observe people roaring like a lion. They just want to be seen and heard. Confidence and opportunities to shine just seem to pop out of nowhere. People become easily caught up in ‘the drama’. New or ‘forgotten’ recreational pursuits are pursued with zeal. With its association with the element of Fire, Leo Moon energy is a perfect time to buy or bless any magickal tools involving blades or objects you associate with Fire. Leo Moon is a popular time to cast spells and to ask for favours
The Leo Full Moon is beneficial for magick concerning:
- “big” rituals and projects
- Empowerment and expansion
- Taking steps towards a goal
- Soothing egos
- Attracting luxuries
- Seeking confirmation
- Luck
━═★ Leo Full Moon Healing Event ★═━
This healing list is FREE for any and all who wish to receive Reiki over the 72 hours commencing 7am on 10th February 2017.
A full moon reveals to you the imbalances requiring your attention so that it has the opportunity to balance before the next new moon. The grid will be set for 72 hours, the energies of the grid will continually flow over that time… so harness it and use it!
To receive of these energies, all you need to do is comment with your name and a statement such as: “I am willing to receive the balancing energy I require for benefitting my life and my living.”
To join the free healing event, visit the event HERE: https://www.facebook.com/events/784470575043895/
Celticai Studio & Wiccan Walk in Oz
┊┊ <3 ~ Caithe •* <3 *•♫