A summary of the free energy clearing and healing session for the Reset Your Life – Adventure into Ascension broadcast on Mixlr – November 18, 2014.

Get off your Couch or get out of the Box!
This coming week, people will be tempted to sit back in their comfort zones. Comfort zones imply it is a space of comfort. Does it make you think of a space and place where everything is just ‘cozy’? For some, their comfort zone is a place of mayhem and drama.
Instead of sitting on the Comfort Zone Couch, you can choose to move off and up. BE the change rather than waiting for the ‘whatever happens next’ syndrome.
When life delivers a kick to your derriere, do you begin to speak Whymese? I know I have on occasion. “Why did this happen to me? Why me?” In the realm of energy clearing, this question attracts MORE of the same.

Let’s translate the ‘Whymese’ and clear the energy around Comfort Zone Blues.
These questions can be repeated as many times as required – every day if need be. The phrase – Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise – is an energetic clearing statement. It helps you find the lightness of your being which is an indicator of living truthfully.
Let’s make change ‘simples’!
Everywhere you have chosen your comfort zone as a blockage to further growth and change, would you choose to release all comfort zones? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What if this space and energy is actually a space and energy of learning and growth? If so, what next? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What contribution can you be to your attraction of Abundance and balance and they to you? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What would it take for all illusion of risk, fear of failure and fear of the unknown be released with ease? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What would it take for you to SEE the possibilities of CHOICE and CHANGE? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
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