Key words: Values, Earth bound, physical actualisation, self-fulfillment, building new foundations tolerance, temperance, patience, boundaries.
It’s time to take the bull by the horns!
(I can hear you groaning!)
The sign of Taurus is displayed by the Emperor or Hierophant in the Tarot Deck. The purpose of Taurean energy is to make spirituality a practical experience. This involves creating harmony and peace in the midst of all the noise and haste.
Positively, Taurean energy brings us wisdom and peace. It makes me think of a cow, chewing it’s cud, in the middle of a field – serene and at one with the world around it.
On the shadow side, Taurean energy brings stubbornness to the fore, an unbending willingness to consider anyone else’s point of view. Considering this aspect of Taurus, I see a bull at the gate, blowing steam through his nostrils, horns down and stamping his hooves.
Taurean energy explores all the Earth has to offer us. We are encouraged to reassess our personal values. By doing so, we can create clarity for our dreams and goals.
During this Full Moon period (before we open the Eclipse Portal in November), sit in gentle judgement of your life. Where do you loyalities lie? Where are your boundaries or your addictions?
I feel this moon will either have us sitting in the field – contemplating what is right and light in our world or it will have us completing an obstacle course! I see each obstacle rising up in front of us and demanding our attention.
This is Faith in Action – developing character in each of us. It’s your choice whether you wish to see yourself as being of the light or of the shadow.
Let’s take care of business during this Full Moon, choosing to either fix what is ‘wrong’ with our lives, or letting it go.
This full moon will demand us to BE the spiritual being living a practical experience. Give yourself a full review so that you may talk your talk and walk your walk.
Most of all – focus on living your life with ease, joy and glory!
“Take a music bath once or twice a week for a few seasons, and you will find that it is to the soul what the water-bath is to the body.”
~ Harry S. Truman, U.S. President, Famous Taurean ~
Taurus is an Earth sign – so you may desire to concentrate on working with earth, the element.
The following are suggestions for items you may like to focus on:
Colour ~ Blue, green, turquoise, red or yellow.
Archangel Correspondences ~ Lumiel, Metatron, Sandalphon
Crystal correspondences ~ Topaz, Cornelian, Emerald, Opal, Jasper
Goddess Correspondences ~ Hera, Hathor, Venus/Aphrodite
God Correspondences ~ Osiris, Apis, Geb, Tu Di Gong
Magickal Working with Full Moon Energy ~ Moon in Taurus is the best time to work magick for love, real estate, material acquisitions, and money.
Access Questions ~ What would it take for me to be the value and contribution I truly be?
Affirmation ~ I am contented and balanced. I nourish and heal myself.
Healing Focus ~ throat, neck, and ears (throat chakra)
Click here to Listen to the Full Moon Broadcast on Reflect Radio
Working with the energy of the Taurean Full Moon
During this Full Moon in Taurus you may choose one of the following activities that resonate with you – or create your own!
• Take out a container of water and leave it under the moonlight. The next day, fill a spritzer bottle with the moon-blessed water. Light an earth coloured candle and then gently spray your home with this blessing.
• Celebrate earthly pleasures – eat a fine meal, indulge in a bubble bath, cover your bed with satin sheets – explore your senses – with moderation of course!
• Take time to smell the roses – literally!
• Write a gratitude list
• Declutter your house and your life
• Participate in singing or reading aloud
• Define your values (I’ll be doing this exercise on Reflect Radio!)
• Complete a self-healing ritual of conscious cleansing.
• Nurture your talents by making time to do something you love to do!
Moon Blessings to you and yours!
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