━═★ Pisces Full Moon Blessings ★═━
The Full Moon in Pisces on 6th September, 2017 with its zenith at 5.02pm, Brisbane Time.
Those who have Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces in their natal charts, will feel this Moon significantly.
Full Moons are energetically connected to the previous New Moon’s goals, dreams and plans. What did you put into motion two weeks ago? This full moon brings an opportunity to heal and/or harvest what was sown.
━═★ What does that mean for you? ★═━
Many of you will already be feeling it. Things, thoughts, feelings, ‘normal routines’ will be turned upside down and inside out.
You will be placed in a position where you have to look at life from a whole new perspective; think about why you are here, how you got here, and what events and actions have shaped your life so far.
What can you take forward from this, and what do you need to ‘sacrifice’?
Be brutally honest in your assessment and be brave in choosing to let go.
Having said this, just being during this full moon will help keep your sanity. Try not to choose your actions until after the Zenith.
━═★ Appropriate Cleansing Ceremony/Ritual ★═━
A simple ceremony during the Pisces Full Moon. Collect a piece of selenite or clear quartz.
Stand under the Moon’s rays (if possible).
State: “I release those energies which are holding me back. I ask for the luminescence of the Moon to cleanse and clear my aura.”
Sweep the crystal from the top of your head to the Earth. You may feel led to do this three times.
State: “The Earth, this Earth, is my grounding and my now. I ask the stability of the Earth to strengthen mind, body, soul, spirit and emotions.”
Sweep the crystal from your feet to the top of your head. You may feel led to this three times.
Place the crystal gently back onto the shelf, table or space. Give thanks with a crystal or food offering to your garden or sacred space.
━═★ Practical suggestions for using this energy wisely ★═━
You are being asked to find what works for you to feel your connection with the Divine. Some ideas may be:
- Being near flowing water
- Standing amongst a beautiful garden or tall trees
- Going to a place of spiritual significance for you
- Having a bath (complete with candles and music which moves you)
- Making time for family/friends
- Completing a dream journal over the weekend
- Meditating, praying and/or contemplating.
Find what works for you to feel inspired and connected. You do DESERVE this – being connected is your Universal blessing.
━═★ Pisces Moon of Dreaming ★═━
When all I do is whispering the words I need to say…
I’ll use my heart as the megaphone; My Goddess, show me the way!
Whether comedy, drama or tragedy – I don’t know what’s going to come next
As the leading role in my life, I choose love to flow in EVERY context!
━═★ Suitable Crystals for Gridding ★═━
If you are gridding, suitable crystals to work with this Full Moon include: blue–lace, agate, amethyst, aquamarine, bloodstone, fluorite, halite, opal, clear quartz, staurolite and turquoise
━═★ Pisces Magick ★═━
When the Moon is in Pisces, people are less focussed and feel as if they are pulled in two directions. The Pisces Moon is a moon of dreaming – combining soul purpose and physical action increasing dreaminess and imagination. It is an ideal time to buy or bless any magickal tools involving cauldrons, chalices or other objects you associate with Water.
The Pisces Full Moon energy is beneficial for magick concerning:
- Calling forth the rain
- Healing addictions
- Seeing through the veil
- Developing abilities and boundaries
- Vision Quests
- Emotional healing
- Fae Magick.
━═★ Pisces Full Moon Healing Event ★═━
This healing list is FREE for any and all who wish to receive a Reiki (balancing energy) flow over the 72 hours of this distance healing event. The beauty of a healing event is that there is no need to ATTEND, only INTEND to benefit.
A Full Moon Healing event uses the energies of the full moon to help further personal and spiritual development. The easiest way to remember energetic healing is that it requires your permission. I have a crystal grid set up and the energy is programmed to be sent to and received by any who wish to receive.
Receiving the healing energy simply requires your permission.
You can do this by stating: I allow and receive all the healing energy I require to benefit my life and living.
Simple, yes?
You may choose to take the healing energies of the Full Moon this further by:
- sitting in the moonlight and meditating
- creating their own crystal grid
- writing in their journal
- looking after their own body – water, sleep and recreation
- finding ways to express themselves
- encouraging themselves to be aware.
To join the Full Moon healing event, visit the event HERE.
May the Full Moon’s blessings be yours.
┊┊ <3 ~ Caithe •* <3 *•♫
Celticai Studio & Wiccan Walk in Oz
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