This week, during our Meditation Circle….
Psy IQ topic – Animal Totems – Dragon
Crystal – Kyanite
Tarot Card – Knight of Wands
Animal Totems – This week’s totem is the Dragon
Dragons teach us about transformation, wisdom, longevity, movement, abundance and magick. If the Fire Dragon is your power animal you will be lent enthusiasm, courage and vitality. Your inner fire will be fuelled and obstacles will be overcome. Leadership, mastery and the role of protector will be enhanced within your life.
Crystal Connections – This week’s crystal is Kyanite
Unlimited in its application, Kyanite never needs cleansing. The most common colours in metaphysical use are blue streaked with white, indigo, green, and black, though Kyanite may occur in white, gray, pink, yellow, and most recently discovered orange. Kyanite comes from the Greek word, kuanos or kyanos, meaning “deep blue,” and was once commonly called Disthene, which means “two strengths.” It is also known as Rhaeticide and Cyanite.
Keywords: ♥ channelling ♥ honesty ♥ integrity
“Between my truth and all knowledge, Kyanite be the strong drawbridge.”
The Crystal Connections’ Crystal Cards state Kyanite is beneficial for:
- Strengthens voice; heals throat chakra
- Useful for performs and public speakers
- Aids muscular disorders, thyroid, adrenals, throat, urogenital system, brain
- Relieves pain, fevers; lowers blood pressure
- Heals infections; releases excess weight
- Stimulates psychic abilities; strengthens meditations
- Aligns chakras; releases heavier emotions.
Tarot Talk
Our tarot card is one of the Court Cards from the Wands Suit – the Page of Wands. All the wands card represent the element of FIRE. This is spirit, enthusiasm, passion and purpose. The wands are the divine spark that animates and activates us.
When you see a Court Card, ask yourself: Who does this remind me of? Within me or around me? What situation does it represent?
Across a desert landscape, a charging horse carries the Knight. He wears a full suit of armour and a yellow tunic or surcoat decorated with salamanders. A red plume adorns his helmet. It flaps in the wind due to the speed of his steed. Matching plumes can be seen on his arms. He holds the horse’s rein with his left arm. With his right, he carries a wand. It is raised above his head, reaching up into a cloudless sky.
Element: Fire
Zodiac Signs : Aries, Leo & Sagittarius
Healing Crystals : Carnelian (although I chose Kyanite for this meditation circle)
Keywords: action ♥ integrity ♥ power
Describing the Knight’s personality –
bold, impatient, charming, rebellious, surprising, exuberant, determined, opinionated, strong-willed, unpredictable.
Symbols, Signs and Significances within the Card
Armour: protection, preparation, and strength; develop a thick skin; what challenge/change are you seeking/yearning for?
Plumes: being ‘on fire’ – are you burning out, burning up or need an outlet for that energy inside of you? It also symbolises movement. Be assertive, rather than ruthless.
Knight’s position – is he in control of his direction, or does he need to get it under control?
Knight’s expression – an open helmet; protected yet nothing getting in the way clarity. How does his expression read to you? Enthusiastic, determined, constipated? An open helmet is a symbol of peace and trust. This is not a great time to be arrogant or violent.
Lizard: renewal, vision, enlightenment, and rebirth. In ancient times, it was believed lizards renewed its sight by looking into the sun.
Mountains/Pyramids: success/challenge, one step at a time/infinity, science/spirituality, wisdom/knowledge, action/creativity. What heights are we willing to climb? How can we balance the different perceptions to create clarity.
Horse: a desire to be free, determination and drive.
Surcoat/tunic: decorated with images of salamander – adaptability and opportunities. Yellow colour can represent sunlight, warmth, joy, excitement. It may also refer to your thoughts – are they a protection or a distraction?
Desert: wildness, wasteland. Although we may feel we don’t have anything to work with, we actually do.
Wand in the light blue sky: Wand – Will; Heavens – Divine. Bringing action goals and spiritual path in alignment. Holding up your plans to the Divine. How do you see the wand’s length? Is it short or long? With all the sprouts coming from its length, how does that speak to you?
Key Questions to ask when Reading for Yourself
- What routines need shaking up?
- Where do I need thicken my skin?
- How can I take charge of my life?
Your motor is running, ready to move forward. This is a great time to bring your creative and spiritual sides into balance for a proactive plan of action. This energy fills you with vision and initiative. With clear skies and a field clear of obstacles, you’ve got the green light. Double check your facts and your intuition so that the shortcuts you know about, actually get you to your goal.
Meditation with Caithe
Meditation is designed to increase your focus and your ability to expand your awareness. In today’s modern world, we are encouraged to be BUSY. This isn’t conducive to meditation! In our meditation circle, you are encouraged to meditate for only a short period through active visualisation provided by Caithe. If you are distracted, bring yourself back to the task by focussing on your breath. Whether you meditate for 15 minutes or 1 minute, your body will thank you for the peace!
You can listen to the Kyanite Dragon Meditation – Sword of Truth – HERE on my Youtube Channel.
A Reading a day develops intuition in a superior way!
Use your journal for recording your readings. For this activity, select a deck and clear it. Ask: May I, Can I, Should I? This seeks permission to complete the task. Finally, it confirms whether you have the skill level to read at THIS moment for your PURPOSE. Look at your card – what symbols and signs ‘jump out’ at you? What do they mean to you? Write your observations down to read and reflect on again at a later date.
Next Meditation Circle: 21st June 2016. Midday.
In closing:
We thank all the positive energies and entities for providing guidance and insight today. We thank each of you for this opportunity to spend time with like-minded people in a space of honour and light. Whenever you are in that place in me, and I am in that place in me, we are One.
Listen to Caithe’s weekly FREE energy-clearing broadcast: