During the week ahead, the Moon will be New in the sign of Taurus (Saturday, May 7th at 5.30am – Brisbane Time). Although we will all be experiencing this interesting energy, those are Taurus, Leo, Scorpio or Aquarius will feel the energy in particular.
Taurus energy is like velcro – whatever occurs during Taurus energy sticks. During my Energy Broadcast on The Celtic Mystic this morning, the energies were described as Inconceivable.
There will be confusion and craziness, bullies and bulldust. The energies are particularly heavy. During this time, you may feel particularly lazy or prone to excessive behaviours (eating, addictions, procrastination). Your intuitive abilities may also feel limited – as if you cannot see far enough ahead.
With the energies coming out of Eclipse period and 5 planets in retrograde – we are being urged, no pushed, into looking deeper and deeper within ourselves. You may find yourself challenged with issues with your throat/communications, digestive difficulties/actions, joy/integrity, heart/relationships.
This is an ideal time to acknowledge that the past DID happen – to forgive your old self and love the capacity you have NOW for change.
Please be aware of the following:
* your emotional and intellectual patterns will be haywire this week, make sure they are yours before you begin to deal/heal.
* heavy energy can feel just like being ungrounded, keep yourself well grounded.
* be patient and practice patience, this is a perfect time to review and make plans.
* be gentle with yourself.
Remember, being gentle with yourself does NOT mean being passive or ineffective. Rather, it is an energy which seeks the best outcome for all concerned.
You can choose to take this Inconceivable energy and stay in the craziness and confusion… OR
You can choose to find the clarity with the bullies and the bulldust and leave the ‘stupidity’ behind…
Take a deep breath and say: What clarity may I receive in the confusion and craziness? Everything that is not a positive contribution to living with fun, flair and ease – Reveal, Release, Reset, Revitalise.
To receive the healing energies available to you, simply say: I receive with ease, all I require for healing mind, body, soul, spirit and emotion.
May each of you receive the healing you require in this next week. Chin up, ground well and see the confusion for what it is – a DISTRACTION to keep us on the wheel of karma.
You can listen to the entire broadcast HERE: Inconceivable – Reset Your Life.