This week, during our Meditation Circle….
Psy IQ topic – Animal Totems – The Salamander
Crystal – Chrysoprase
Tarot Card – Page of Wands
Animal Totems
Although Salamanders live in water, they are thought to survive fire. They can be poisonous to the touch yet also be killed by absorbing environmental toxins. If Salamander makes a connection with you, detoxification, purification and transformation are required. As a fire elemental, Salamanders activates the zest and the spark of creativity within you.
Crystal Connections
This week’s crystal is Chrysoprase.
Normally apple-green through to pale yellow-green, Chrysoprase is a form of chalcedony. It contains nickel. The name comes from the Greek: chrys meaning ‘gold or yellow’ and prase meaning ‘leek’. Giving insight into truth surrounding matters of the heart, meditating with Chrysoprase allows you to demonstrate compassion and kindness to yourself and others.
Keywords: ♥ Divine Truth ♥ Shield ♥ Renewal
“Enhance my vision, Renew my heart, May Chrysoprase ease transformations’ start.”
The Crystal Connections’ Crystal Cards state Chrysoprase is beneficial for:
- Excellent for relaxation and peaceful sleep
- Reduces claustrophobia and nightmares
- Enhances fertility
- Detoxifies
- Heals inner child
- Encourages forgiveness and compassion, trust and security
- Aids gout and disorders of the eyes, skin, heart, digestion and hormones.
Tarot Talk
Our tarot card is one of the Court Cards from the Wands Suit – the Page of Wands. All the wands card represent the element of FIRE. This is spirit, enthusiasm, passion and purpose. The wands are the divine spark that animates and activates us.
When you see a Court Card, ask yourself: Who does this remind me of? Within me or around me? What situation does it represent?
Symbols, Signs and Significances within the Card
- A feather in his hat could symbolise movement, clear thought or symbolise a skill recently attained or being used.
- Yellow symbolises joy and mental clarity.
- Orange symbolises ambition, enthusiasm, fresh emotions.
- Salamanders represent transformation and zest for life.
- The blue sky is clear – there will be no obstacles on the horizon
- Perception – the Page is depicted as giant size.. a giant leap for mankind or self-kind?
- The landscape may represent challenges far in the distance or may represent exotic places.
- The wand’s tip looks like a salamander.
- Notice that the wand is not ‘planted’.. it is open to change.
- The Page is looking upwards – where are you getting your inspiration?
Keywords: seeker ♥ creative ♥ observation
Key Questions to ask when Reading for Yourself
- What enthuses you or where do you seek enthusiasm?
- What is calling you – direction, thought and action?
- Are you ready to heal your inner child and become your truth?
Meditation with Caithe
Meditation is designed to increase your focus and your ability to expand your awareness. In today’s modern world, we are encouraged to be BUSY. This isn’t conducive to meditation! In our meditation circle, you are encouraged to meditate for only a short period through active visualisation provided by Caithe. If you are distracted, bring yourself back to the task by focussing on your breath. Whether you meditate for 15 minutes or 1 minute, your body will thank you for the peace!
You can listen to the Chrysoprase Salamander Meditation – Cleansing Fire – HERE on my Youtube Channel.
A Reading a day develops intuition in a superior way!
Use your journal for recording your readings. For this activity, select a deck and clear it. Ask: May I, Can I, Should I? This seeks permission to complete the task. Finally, it confirms whether you have the skill level to read at THIS moment for your PURPOSE. Look at your card – what symbols and signs ‘jump out’ at you? What do they mean to you? Write your observations down to read and reflect on again at a later date.
Next Meditation Circle: 1st June 2016. Midday.
In closing:
We thank all the positive energies and entities for providing guidance and insight today. We thank each of you for this opportunity to spend time with like-minded people in a space of honour and light. Whenever you are in that place in me, and I am in that place in me, we are One.
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