Welcome! This blog is a summary of the free energy clearing and healing session broadcast on Reflect Radio on April 1, 2014.
Broadcast Title: Procrastination
On connection with Spirit, I received these songs:
- Don’t step on my Blue Suede Shoes by Elvis
- I am by Rock Mafia
- Three Little Fishes
The energy of these songs speaks to me of:
Protection, Knowing, Stepping IN to your life and realising you are the Big Fish in your own pond!
My Spirit Guide, Brolin, blessed us with a poem as well:
Let’s clear the energy around Procrastination.
Truly, this week ahead feels as if the energy is momentous. Something is on the brink. With Elvis’ voice ringing in my ears, I feel we are like a child holding onto something we feel dear. If we would only let go, we would be willing to step into a different and new space.
As a palmist, I’ve been fascinated by my thumbs these last few days. The thumbs represent self-control. The top phalange displays our will and the middle phalange displays our logic (I endeavour to enhance mine by wearing thumb rings). The bottom phalange, is the Mount of Venus, displaying our Vitality and strength for living. My thumb nails have been ragged, pointed, snagging. In alignment with the energy coming forth today, I wonder what choices and decisions are holding us in our collective comfort zone saying: Don’t step on my Blue Suede Shoes!
The Shoes represent hard won battles – all those things we feel we have earned. Sometimes, those things are hard to let go of – especially if they are no longer a positive contribution to your path.
What are you holding, choosing, implanting and creating which would be better to be released with ease? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
Everywhere you are hoarding and holding close in fear of being without, would you choose instead to only attract all which is a positive contribution? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
What battles have you chosen when the battle is already over? All benefit you perceive in holding onto your ‘armour’ when you are just beginning to stink, would you now choose to release the armour and lighten your load? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
The next song, I Am is also tied in with the next song, Three Little Fishes. Both speak of seeing, perceiving, believing and receiving not only the blessings in your life but the energies as a whole.
Thoughts, memories, comprehension all rely on symbolic understanding. Your understanding is uniquely yours – the way your mind, body and spirit not only commune with the Great Divine but also with every single energy around and within you. To receive, you must see, perceive and believe in the possibilities existing. Are you willing to do so?
Where have you chosen to be blind to the natural communication you have with the energies surrounding you? Would you choose to release your seeing today? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
Across all time, space, reality and dimension where you have chosen to ignore, belittle, squash and remove your beliefs through oath, fealty, judgement and treachery, would you now choose to allow your beliefs to bubble and grow with authenticity? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
The Pond in the meadow – it sounds relaxing, idyllic, as if everything has slowed down. Yet, the energy feels like you are swimming around in circles, madly trying to find the energy.
Sit for a moment. Breathe. Energy is all around, constantly changing.
Everywhere you created control over the energy so that it is locked tight into a set way which isn’t for the highest good of all concerned, would you now choose to release that created control and allow natural perception to flow in its stead? Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
To flow (not float) means to tap into your intuition, your sensing, your knowing, your voicing and be authentic with it.
This emotion or action you are displaying, does it serve you as an ease-filled contribution in you life? No? Then let’s clear it – Everywhere I’ve chosen this emotion or action as consequence and truth through control, I now choose to release it from my energy with total ease. Reveal. Release. Reset. Revitalise.
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This blog is a summary of the free energy clearing and healing session broadcast on Reflect Radio on April 1, 2014..