Emotions – everyone has them. Nearly every human being also has trapped emotions within their body. If you imagine that every emotion is a flow of specific energy, then trapped emotions are like stagnant pools of water that need flushing out of the body.
As seekers of healing, many of us have been told to either – “build a bridge and get over it” or “just let go of the emotion”. I know I’ve used those feelings myself. Living in a state of trapped emotions is actually very draining on all levels. It is the forerunner for depression, anxiety and dis-ease. In this edition of the Celticai eZine, I’d like to give you some suggestions for letting go of those toxic emotions.
First, we need to clear those emotions from our thinking. Have you ever noticed that the emotions we suppress, repress and push down deep inside have a way of either exploding out inappropriately physically or our mind will keep bringing a memory for us to agonise over? These are the emotions that need priority clearing. Keep a diary or a dream journal – what is your mind endeavouring to tell you? Perhaps it is a feeling of anger, shame, fear, sadness, guilt or embarrassment.
Second, Ask the Universe a clearing question. For example: Universe, what would it take for all feelings of {insert emotion} to be cleared from all energies, realities and dimensions? Change the negative statement e.g. I am alone and afraid; to one of positivity e.g. Why am I so confident and surrounded by loving relationships?
Third, take positive action. This can take a variety of forms and really depends on you, the Individual. Here, I’ve listed a few suggestions.
– Stop overanalysing your emotions and become child-like – feel your emotions! Express them positively. Cry, hug or smile. Emotional release is freeing! If you are angry, yell into a pillow or hit a punching bag (inanimate is preferred! J) If you are afraid or guilty, hug yourself and state a reminder that you are using all the skills that you have/had at your disposal.
– Observe your body and how the emotions flow. Here is a general description. Anger/frustration sits at our back. Sadness sits within our throat and third eye chakras (neck and throat). Happiness moves from our heart to our belly. Fear sits within our abdomen and ripples out in tremors. What do you observe within your own body? It is worthwhile to use muscle testing to determine whether these emotions even belong to YOU! If they do not belong to you, send them back to the sender with love, light, consciousness and healing attached.
– Identify whether you are using food, alcohol, substances or sex to ‘chase away’ these emotions and keeping them locked up tight within you. If yes, then a commitment to releasing emotions will help your addictions be released as well.
– Express your truth – say what you mean and mean what you say. We are conditioned to respond to wellbeing queries with: “I’m fine. Thank you.” Of course, this does not give you permission to unload your emotional release on the unsuspecting cash register personnel. Find a trusted friend, loved one, healer or counsellor to help you express yourself fully and appropriately.
– Be grateful for the positive emotions that flow in your life. Identify them by expressing your thanks for them – in word, song, art, craft, writing or however you wish to express them.
– Find time to be at one with yourself. This may mean time for meditation or prayerful contemplation. Develop rituals that help you release your emotions.
– Connect with your spiritual helpers and the Divine Healing Energy of the Universe. They will only step in to assist when you ask for assistance. Drop your pride and seek assistance.
You may like to work with crystals to help your release trapped emotions. My recommendations are Rose Quartz, Labradorite and Green Aventurine. Each of these are powerful crystals for identifying, releasing and healing emotional trauma.
Another option is to use Journey Essences – Quan Yin for compassion; Base Chakra for releasing stagnant emotions and the Sacral Chakra for healing emotional wounds.
The biggest fear to release is the fear of our own emotions. I hope that this small article provides a few suggestions for sitting with and releasing those emotions within you. Happy releasing.
Recommended Reading:
Dr Bradley Nelson – The Emotion Code
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